Aceasta proprietate a fost deja vanduta! Pentru oferte similare contactati agentul

Penthouse - 3 bedroom I 192sqm + 287sqm terraces I Herastrau I Aron Cotrus

Bucuresti, Herastrau    45
Suprafata utila
192 mp
Suprafata construita
570 mp
Etaj 5
  • ID:P4732
  • Nr. camere:4
  • S. utila:192.00 mp
  • S. terase:287.00 mp
  • S. utila totala:479.00 mp
  • S. construita:570.00 mp
  • Comp.:Semidecomandat
  • Confort:Lux
  • Etaj:Etaj 5
  • Nr. bucatarii:1
  • Nr. bai:3
  • Nr. parcari:2
  • An constructie:2006
  • An renovare:2022
  • Structura:Beton
  • Tip imobil:Bloc
  • Regim inaltime:P+5
  • Orientare:Vest
  • Clasa energetica:A
Imagine enjoying your morning coffee or the overwhelming sunsets on this impressive terrace.
Imagine how it would be to wake up every day in your peaceful and beautiful oasis that ideally combines the urban needs generated by the business environment with comfort and relaxation.
Besides the astonishing view (south-west orientation), this property stands out through space, elegant design, refined and relaxing accessories and chromatics, as well as through the exceptional positioning at just 3 minutes from Herastrau lake and park.
The liveable area (192 sqm) is composed of living and dining areas (80 sqm), 3 bedrooms, kitchen, lobby and 3 bathrooms. Two of the bedrooms have their own bath and the now third structured as a dressing.
The generous terrace (92.5 sqm) elegantly unfolds on the 3 sides with glazed areas of the property and can be accessed from any room.
The property is admirably completed by the 194 sqm rooftop terrace.
The 2 parking spots(one located at the underground floor and the second one at the ground floor) and the storage room are included in the price.
We invite you to visit together this special property: a remarkable space through the exceptional position, charm and refinement offered by its design!
Imagineaza-ti cum ar fi sa savurezi cafeaua de dimineata sau apusurile de soare coplesitoare pe aceasta terasa impresionanta. Imagineaza-ti cum ar fi sa te trezesti in fiecare zi in propria oaza de frumos si liniste ce combina in mod ideal nevoia de urban generata de mediul de afaceri cu relaxarea si confortul. Avem o proprietate care pe langa privelistea uimitoare (orientare sud-vest) se remarca prin spatialitate, excelenta compartimentare, amenajarea eleganta si judicioasa, accesorizarea si cromatica rafinata si relaxanta, dar si prin exceptionala amplasare la doar 3 minute de parcul si lacul Herastrau.
Spatiul locuibil (192mp) se compune din living cu zona de dining (80mp), 3 dormitoare, bucatarie, hol si 3 bai. Doua dintre dormitoare au baie proprie, cel de-al treilea fiind organizat in prezent ca dressing. O terasa generoasa (92.5mp) se desfasoara elegant pe cele 3 laturi cu zone vitrate ale proprietatii si poate fi accesata din fiecare camera. Ansamblul este admirabil intregit de terasa tip "rooftop" de 194mp.
Proprietatea dispune de 2 locuri de parcare (unul subteran, cel de-al doilea suprateran) si boxa pentru depozitare, incluse in pret.
Va invit sa vizionam impreuna o proprietate deosebita: un ansamblu remarcabil rezultat din amplasamentul zonal de exceptie si farmecul si rafinamentul oferite de aceasta!
Citeste mai mult
Centrala imobil
Aer conditionat
Vopsea lavabila
Ferestre Termopan
Jaluzele Orizontale
Rulouri Aluminiu
Usa intrare Metal
Usa interior Lemn
Boxa la subsol
Bucatarie Mobilata
Bucatarie Utilata
Contor caldura
Contor gaz
Mobilat Lux
Florina Cristescu
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