Cozy 3 bedroom villa near Bazilescu park and subway. Pet friendly!

Bucuresti, Bucurestii Noi    168
Suprafata utila
150 mp
Suprafata construita
190 mp
An constructie
  • ID:P5877
  • Nr. camere:4
  • Nr. dormitoare:3
  • S. utila:150.00 mp
  • S. construita:190.00 mp
  • S. teren:240.00 mp
  • Nr. bucatarii:1
  • Nr. bai:2
  • Nr. balcoane:2
  • Nr. parcari:3
  • Nr. garaje:1
  • Nr. fronturi:1
  • An constructie:2001
  • An renovare:2024
  • Structura rezistenta:Lemn
  • Regim inaltime:D+P+1
  • Garantie:3 luni
We recommend you for rent this very chic villa, with a beautiful architecture, reminiscent of the holiday homes in the mountains, located on a quiet street in close proximity to the Park and the Bazilescu metro station.
If you haven't visited the Bucurestii Noi - Damaroaia neighborhood in recent years, I invite you to do so! It will be a pleasure to walk along the quiet streets, full of greenery, with many trees and fruit trees, where the footbridges chirp tirelessly, with beautiful villas and low-rise blocks. The streets are wide, with generous sidewalks, on which children can safely ride their bicycles or scooters. Bazilescu Park is an elegant park, with avenues surrounded by old and tall trees, some so old that they are among the few survivors of the Codris of Vlăsia. The Basilescu Church is a historical monument and represents in itself a tourist objective for people of any age!
I captured the beauty of the area for you in several photos that you can find at the end of the presentation.

In this beautiful setting, there is a villa available for rent, arranged on the mezzanine, ground floor and attic floor.
In the basement we have generous storage space and a technical room.
The ground floor has two access ways and consists of living room, secondary access hall, hall, kitchen, bathroom.
Upstairs we have a large room arranged like a small apartment composed of two areas, one for the day, one for the night, plus two bedrooms, 2 balconies and 1 bathroom.
Both bathrooms have window.
The villa also has an attached garage, which can accommodate a small car.
The yard surrounds the house and has a wider portion behind the house, shaded by the branches of a walnut tree.
The bedrooms, hallways and kitchen are freshly painted.
Due to its location near the park, we recommend this property for a family with children.
Your pets are welcome!

The area is served by all the facilities necessary for a comfortable urban life: public transport, including the metro (Bazilescu, Jiului, Laminorului stations), market, supermarkets, hypermarkets, schools, kindergartens, pharmacies, shops, restaurants, Bazilescu park, Grivita Lake etc.
Call me to schedule a viewing!
Vila cocheta cu 3 dormitoare, curte si garaj, langa Parcul Bazilescu si metrou. Pet friendly!
Va recomandam pentru inchiriere aceasta vila foarte cocheta, cu o arhitectura frumoasa, ce aminteste de casele de vacanta de la munte, amplasata pe o strada linistita in imediata apropiere de Parcul si statia de metrou Bazilescu.
Daca nu ati vizitat in ultimii ani cartierul Bucurestii Noi - Damaroaia, va invit sa o faceti! Va fi o placere sa va plimbati pe strazile linistite, pline de verdeata, cu foarte multi copaci si pomi fructiferi, in care ciripesc neobosite pasarelele, cu vile frumoase si bloculete cu regim mic de inaltime. Strazile sunt largi, cu trotuare generoase, pe care copiii se pot plimba in siguranta cu bicicleta sau trotineta. Parcul Bazilescu este un parc elegant, cu alei înconjurate de arbori vechi și înalți, unii atât de vechi încât sunt printre puținii supraviețuitori ai Codrilor Vlăsiei. Biserica Bazilescu este monument istoric si reprezinta in sine un obiectiv turistic pentru persoanele de orice varsta!
Am surprins pentru dumneavoastra frumusetea zonei in mai multe fotografii pe care le regasiti la sfarsitul prezentarii.

In acest decor frumos, se afla vila disponibila pentru inchiriere, dispusa pe demisol, parter si etaj mansardat.
La demisol avem spatiu de depozitare generos si camera tehnica.
Parterul are doua cai de acces si se compune din living, hol acces secundar, hol, bucatarie, baie.
La etaj avem o camera mare amenajata ca un mic apartament compus din doua zone, una de zi, una de noapte, plus doua dormitoare, 2 balcoane si 1 baie.
Ambele bai au fereastra.
Vila dispune si de un garaj atasat, ce poate acomoda o masina de mici dimensiuni.
Curtea inconjoara casa si are portiune mai larga in spatele casei, umbrita de crengile unui nuc.
Dormitoarele, holurile si bucataria sunt proaspat zugravite.
Datorita amplasarii langa parc, recomandam aceasta proprietate pentru resedinta unei familii cu copii.
Animalutele dumneavoastra de companie sunt binevenite!

Zona este deservita de toate facilitatile necesare unei vieti urbane confortabile: mijloace de transport in comun, inclusiv metrou (statiile Bazilescu, Jiului, Laminorului), piata, supermarketuri, hipermarketuri, scoli, gradinite, farmacii, magazine, restaurante, parcul Bazilescu, Lacul Grivita etc
Sunati-ma pentru a programa o vizionare!
Citeste mai mult
Centrala proprie
Aer conditionat
Vopsea lavabila
Ferestre Termopan
Usa interior Lemn
Spatiu depozitare
Bucatarie Mobilata
Bucatarie Utilata
Complet mobilat
Florina Mantescu
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