Close to the forest, 7 room spacious villa with pool and garage, pet friendly

Bucuresti, Iancu Nicolae    270
Suprafata utila
430 mp
Suprafata construita
500 mp
An constructie
  • ID:P6122
  • Nr. camere:7
  • Nr. dormitoare:5
  • S. utila:430.00 mp
  • S. construita:500.00 mp
  • S. teren:600.00 mp
  • Nr. bucatarii:1
  • Nr. bai:5
  • Nr. parcari:4
  • Nr. garaje:2
  • Front stradal:20.00 m
  • Nr. fronturi:1
  • An constructie:2003
  • Structura rezistenta:Caramida
  • Regim inaltime:D+P+1+M
Baneasa Residential Park/Butterfly is a secure residential complex with beautiful individual or duplex villas. It is like a charming town, with wide streets, playgrounds for children and many green spaces with mature vegetation.
It is located near Padurea Baneasa, between the British School and the American School Bucharest. Next to this complex is the World Class Atlantis Club.
Access is through two gates, one through Iancu Nicolae and one through Bulevardul Pipera.
The maximum speed allowed in the complex is 20 km/hour.
The access ways in the complex are guarded 24 hours a day by experienced security personnel.

In this green and quiet natural setting is the villa that we offer for rent. The villa has a living room, kitchen, 5 bedrooms, hobby room, 5 bathrooms, many storage spaces, garage for 2 cars and swimming pool. In front of the villa you can park 1-2 cars.
The distribution of the house on each floor is as follows:
Ground floor: living room and dining room with access to the terrace, kitchen, bathroom for guests, pantry, double garage, with technical room and laundry room;
Floor: master bedroom with bathroom, dressing room and French balcony, bedroom with private bathroom, two other bedrooms with bathroom in the hallway;
Attic: room with bathroom, hobby-room, storage spaces.

Your beloved pets are welcome!
Baneasa Residential Park/Butterfly este un complex residential securizat, cu vile frumoase, individuale sau tip duplex. Este ca un orasel fermecator, cu strazi largi, cu locuri de joaca pentru copii si cu multe spatii verzi, cu vegetatie matura.
Este situat in apropiere de Padurea Baneasa, intre Scoala Britanica si Scoala Americana Bucuresti. Langa acest complex se afla Clubul World Class Atlantis.
Accesul se face prin doua porti, una prin Iancu Nicolae si unul prin Bulevardul Pipera.
Viteza maxima admisa in complex este de 20 km/ora.
Caile de acces in complex sunt pazite 24 de ore din 24 de personal de securitate cu experienta.

In acest cadru natural inverzit si linistit se afla vila pe care v-o propunem pentru inchiriere. Vila are living, bucatarie, 5 dormitoare, hobby room, 5 bai, spatii de depozitare, garaj pentru 2 masini si piscina. In fata casei se mai pot parca 1-2 masini.
Impartirea casei pe fiecare etaj este urmatoarea:
Parter: living si dining cu iesire pe terasa, bucatarie, grup sanitar pentru oaspeti, camara, garaj dublu, cu camera tehnica si spalatorie;
Etaj: dormitor matrimonial cu baie, dressing si balcon frantuzesc, dormitor cu baie proprie, alte doua dormitoare cu baie pe hol;
Mansarda: camera cu baie, hobby-room, spatii depozitare.

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